Myopia Management Navigator: A Free Resource for Eye Care Pros 

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a growing concern worldwide. To address this, the World Council of Optometry (WCO) has partnered with CooperVision to launch a valuable resource: The Myopia Management Navigator. This interactive guide is designed for eye care professionals like you, providing a comprehensive framework for myopia management.  

Here’s a breakdown of what the Navigator offers: 

  • The 3 Ms of Myopia Management: The Navigator focuses on three key pillars: mitigation, measurement, and management. Each section offers educational content, practical advice, and resources to enhance your knowledge and clinical skills. 
  • “Myopia Moments” and Webinars: Deepen your understanding with real-world case studies and expert webinars, all conveniently accessible within the Navigator. 
  • Patient Education Resources: The Navigator equips you with tools to effectively discuss myopia management with patients and families. 

The Myopia Management Navigator is a free, comprehensive resource to elevate your myopia management skills. This user-friendly platform caters to both experienced practitioners and those new to myopia management, empowering you and your staff to provide informed care and better patient outcomes. 

The Myopia Management Navigator represents a significant step towards making myopia management a standard of care. Explore this valuable resource and take your practice to the next level in addressing this prevalent condition.