Stay Ahead: 3 Essential Strategies for Adapting Your Optometry Practice

Woman in a dark room in front of a computer monitor, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.

An aging population plus ever-increasing screen time for all demographics means there is no shortage of need on the horizon. But it’s important for eye care pros to stay abreast of trend reports and the desires of the public — addressing these wants will help you capture and retain patients in the coming years. Here are three key areas you can focus on to keep up with the times:

Expanding Online Services

First order of business, if you haven’t already, is to implement online appointment booking. Surveys show that an overwhelming majority of Americans prefer making appointments this way, and there are numerous platforms you can use to get it set up at your practice. Next: We’ve written about the benefits of offering optometry telehealth before, and patients continue to be interested in this option. Virtual consultations are not meant to replace in-person visits, of course, but are a valuable supplement in a quite a few scenarios:

  • Check-ins for ongoing issues
  • Dry eye symptom management
  • Vision therapy and neuro-optometry activities
  • Screenings for diabetic retinopathy (related study: Examining the Role of Telemedicine in Diabetic Retinopathy)
  • Emergency consultations to assess seriousness and advise on next steps
  • Shifting from reactive eye care to early detection and prevention

What’s the most “futuristic” but in-demand trend right now? Virtual try-ons. The technology has gotten so good that retailers across the board are offering augmented reality try-on tools for clothes, furniture, hair color, you name it. Eyeglasses are an ideal fit for virtual try-on software, and younger consumers (aka the future of your practice) are particularly keen for it. Virtual try-ons combined with in-person shopping is a great way to cater to patients and convert on sales. It also gives you useful data to help with inventory selection.

Addressing Screen Time Concerns

Screen time concerns are skyrocketing, and you can help people get in front of these worries. Provide resources and products, regular exams, and advice. Eye health education for the general public is a growing need — patients want to know how to protect their vision from screen time, and parents want to know how to protect their children. For example, while it may be a no-brainer for those in the business, I would wager most people are not aware of these two screen time recommendations from the American Optometric Association:

  • Rest your eyes: Remember the 20-20-20 rule. At least every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and view something 20 feet away. The AOA further recommends that users take a 15-minute break for every two hours they spend on their electronic devices.
  • Maintain a comfortable viewing distance: Use the zoom feature to see small print and details, rather than bringing the device closer to your eyes, which taxes the visual system.
    • At least 13 to 20 inches for smartphone, small tablet, or laptop. Greater than 20 inches for full-size laptop or computer monitor.

From myopia control products to messaging and education, consider how you can adapt your practice to better address screen time concerns because these issues will only continue to grow.

Related reads:
The Impact of Unmanaged Excessive Screen Time in the United States

Unmanaged Screen Time Results in an Estimated $151B in Costs in 2023, AOA Reports

Zeiss Study Finds That Parents Are Concerned Regarding Screen Time’s Impact on Children’s Eye Health

Offering Sustainable Products

Sustainability continues to be a rising trend among consumers across the board. The topic is so major that Vision Monday regularly reports on sustainability in the sector under Going Green: Sustainability Trends and Tactics for ECPs. Whether it’s shopping for frames made from sustainable materials or wanting to know about recycling options for contacts and old glasses, patients and customers are increasingly interested in the sustainability choices you make in your practice.

Tip: Companies that value sustainability also value transparency in their supply chain. Look for vendors who demonstrate a commitment to eco-friendly production.

Another benefit of sustainable eyewear and eco-conscious best practices: It’s something you can highlight. This leads me to my parting point: Craft your marketing around the above strategies. All these enhancements you’ve made to your practice? Let the people know! Never forget to share what makes your eye care superior. Give people every reason to choose you and keep coming back.