Vision Health and Lifestyle

Explore the interplay between lifestyle choices and vision health, covering topics like nutrition, exercise, and environmental factors that affect eye health.

New Study Links Vaping to Dry Eye and Calls for Labeling...

Vaping's impact on eye health is a growing concern, and a new literature review suggests a strong link between chronic e-cigarette use and dry...

Beyond the Itch: A Guide to Navigating Ocular Allergy Season

Spring has sprung, and with it comes a wave of itchy, watery eyes for many of your patients.  Ocular allergies, affecting an estimated 20%...

Optimizing Athletic Performance with Sports Vision 

As an optometrist, you hold a pivotal role in helping athletes reach their peak performance. While traditional vision care focuses on correcting refractive errors...

AI in Optometric Practice Management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing optometry, providing many benefits in clinical practice and patient care. In the optometry sector, AI has proven to be a...

Brush Up on Dry Eye Management with Free Webinar

Strengthen your foundation in dry eye care with a fresh perspective!  Join Woo U for a FREE, 1-hour webinar on Wednesday, April 17th at 5:30...

Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Race Compound Lapses in Diabetic Retinopathy Care 

Disparities in diabetic retinopathy (DR) care are a serious public health concern. A new study reveals a troubling interaction between race, ethnicity, and neighborhood...

Eyes On Dry Eye 2024 Education Summit February 23-24

The Eyes On Dry Eye 2024 two-day virtual educational summit is scheduled for February 23 and 24, 2024. As the largest virtual, dry eye-only...

Dry Eye: A Gold Mine for Optometrists?

The dry eye epidemic is more than just a health concern; it's a burgeoning market ripe with opportunity for optometrists. According to recent market...

Digital Eyestrain: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Optometric Recommendations

Digital eyestrain (DES) is a vision condition that optometrists are diagnosing more frequently due to people spending prolonged periods of time viewing digital computers,...